How to register a trademark or brand in Iran?
Step 1: The documents required for the registration of a trademark or brands are as follows:
For real persons:
A copy of the birth and national (ID) card
The operation permits, including those required to obtain from a union, industries organization, mining organizations (royalties), etc.
Holding a trade card for the applicants using English alphabets in their trademark or for those exporting goods and services
ID documents of the attorney if he/she is representing the shareholders in the process
A 6×6 centimeter image or graphic work of the trademark. If the trademark is a 3D model, the image should indicate the object from six different angles.
Right of priority: If the applicant wants to use a priority right (up to maximum six months) for the registration of a trademark already registered abroad, he/she should attach the priority right documents to his/her declaration or submit the documents up to 15 days after the submission of the declaration.
For legal entities:
The company’s registration ad
The latest ad of changes in the company
A copy of the birth certification and ID cards of all signatories
The operation permit, including those required to obtain from a union, industries organization, mining organizations (royalties), etc.
Holding a trade card for the applicants using English alphabets in their trademark or for those exporting goods and services
ID documents of the attorney if he/she is representing the shareholders in the process
A 6×6 centimeter image or graphic work of the trademark. If the trademark is a 3D model, the image should indicate the object from six different angles.
Right of priority: If the applicant wants to use a priority right (up to maximum six months) for the registration of a trademark already registered abroad, he/she should attach the priority right documents to his/her declaration or submit the documents up to 15 days after the submission of the declaration.
Step 2: The applicant should prepare all required documents and visit the website of the Industrial Ownership Office and of the Trademark Registration Office to fill in a declaration form available on the website and start the registration process. The applicant should be careful in providing his/her contact details, including phone numbers and email address, and the reference number. After filling in the declaration form, the applicant should upload a copy of all documents required, including permits and trademark images.
The applicant must be very careful when filling in forms and uploading the copies of documents as he/she cannot reverse the process after submission. The applicant also can pay the registration fee online and receive his/her declaration reference number.
Step 3: After the applicant pays the fee and registers online, his/her case will be sent to a waiting list to be reviewed by experts. If a document is found not to be valid, the applicant will be informed. The applicant then will have 30 days to address the deficiencies. If the applicant fails to meet the deadline, the case will be annulled.
Step 4: If the documents are valid and complete and the trademark has not been registered earlier, the ad will be issued by the Office to be published by an official newspaper. If the ad faces no claim, the trademark ad which consists of shareholders’ profiles and the official registration code will be published in a newspaper.
Step 5: After the ad is published, the applicant or the attorney can refer to the Trademark Registration Office to receive his/her trademark registration certification.